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Allied Organizations

In the fight to defend America's First Freedom, Christian Rights Ministries, Inc. cooperates and coordinates its efforts with other like-minded religious liberty, pro-life and pro-family organizations.  These allied organizations also offer legal counsel and representation to individuals facing religious and/or viewpoint discrimination - some on a pro-bono basis. 

Listed in alphabetical order:

  • Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) - "Alliance Defending Freedom is an alliance-building legal organization that advocates for the right of people to freely live out their faith. We specifically focus on cases involving religious liberty issues, the sanctity of human life, and marriage and family." (From website)  For more information:

  • The Alliance Legal Group, PLLC - "The Alliance Legal Group, PLLC is a Christ-Centered and family-oriented law practice that has been serving the Hampton Roads area since 1995." (From website)  For more information:

  • American Center for Law and Justice - "Founded in 1990 with the mandate to protect religious and constitutional freedoms, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) engages legal, legislative, and cultural issues by implementing an effective strategy of advocacy, education, and litigation that includes representing clients before the Supreme Court of the United States and international tribunals around the globe." (From website)  For more information:

  • The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty - "The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty is a non-profit, public-interest legal and educational institute with a mission to protect the free expression of all faiths. Becket exists to vindicate a simple but frequently neglected principle: that because the religious impulse is natural to human beings, religious expression is natural to human culture." (From website)  For more information:

  • Liberty Counsel - A non-profit civil liberties education and legal defense organization established to preserve religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and the traditional family.  For more information:

  • National Legal Foundation - "To prayerfully create and implement innovative strategies that, through decisive action, will cause America’s public policy and legal system to support and facilitate God’s purpose for her, all while conducting ourselves at all times with the utmost integrity and in such a way as to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ." (From website)  For more information:

  • Pacific Justice Institute - "... A non-profit 501(c)(3) legal defense organization specializing in the defense of religious freedom, parental rights, and other civil liberties. Pacific Justice Institute works diligently, without charge, to provide its clients with all the legal support they need."  (From website)  For more information:

  • The Rutherford Institute - "... Nonpartisan, apolitical and committed to the principles enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights—is working tirelessly to reshape the government from the bottom up into one that respects freedom, recognizes our worth as human beings, resists corruption, and abides by the rule of law." (From website)  For more information:

  •  Thomas More Law Center - "... Defends and promotes America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values, including the religious freedom of Christians, time-honored family values, and the sanctity of human life."  (From website)  For more information:

  • First Liberty Institute - "First Liberty Institute is the largest legal organization in the nation dedicated exclusively to defending religious liberty for all Americans. We believe that every American of any faith—or no faith at all—has a fundamental right to follow their conscience and live according to their beliefs.


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